Always Say… (The Business Owners Mindset)

I’m going to tell you something I’ve only shared with a few people: when I first started out in the business, I went to this big conference in Keystone, Arizona in 1987 with thousands and thousands of people there. The president of that organization had just been elected and it got me thinking about what I really wanted for myself, long-term. What did I want my future to look like? 

I went back to my hotel room that night and wrote the speech that I would give if I ever got elected president of that organization. 26 years later, I gave that very same speech when I became president in 2013.

 I’ve always said that seeing your life in 10 years is dependent on two things: the people you surround yourself with and the books you read. Personally, I try to surround myself with people who elevate and energize me. Those are the ones who want a bigger, better future. I also read quite a lot of fiction and nonfiction books to elevate my thought process, particularly when it comes to varying ideas and perspectives.

In order to make your dreams become a reality, you need to:

  1. Visualize and think about what it is that YOU want
  2. Assign an action plan to it 
  3. Practice consistency

I was able to visualize my dream first before making it happen. Thinking about it, and most importantly, writing it down made it real for me. So right now, I invite you to take some time to think about what it is that YOU really want for yourself. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?


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Mark B Murphy

Mark B. Murphy is the Chief Executive Officer of Northeast Private Client Group, a national financial planning and wealth management firm. Mark has been ranked #1 in New Jersey and #15 in the nation on the Forbes America’s Top Financial Security Professionals List for 2022.

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Mark B. Murphy