Apply To Be On The Show

Our Ideal Guest is...

Keep In Mind

With Mark’s operational efficiency expertise and ability to unlock hidden growth opportunities, he can solve a wide variety of problems. His complementary skill sets are incredibly powerful, so take advantage of them when thinking of the topic you’d like to discuss.

Fill out the application below to get started. We currently have a waitlist but if you’re an ideal fit, we’ll be in touch soon.

"*" indicates required fields

In case we need to contact you on the day of your appearance.
Optional, but some guests prefer to bring a colleague for context or assistance with action items.
If applicable.
You can choose to keep your personal and/or company information confidential without affecting your chances of being featured on the show.
This will remain confidential, but this helps us determine the size of your organization and operational complexity.
(3+ year plan)
Do you believe your company is aligned with these pillars?
What do you believe is hindering your company from reaching its full potential?
Are there any unique or innovative strategies that you have implemented in your business that you believe would be valuable for our audience to learn about?
Are there any specific insights, advice, or lessons learned from your entrepreneurial journey that you would like to share with other aspiring entrepreneurs or business owners?
How do you envision this podcast appearance being a win-win outcome?

We will contact you directly to set up an ideal time.

Mark B. Murphy